Do you ever wonder if your child might need help or professional intervention? While sometimes the inclination is to wait and see how things play out, this can be a dangerous approach. If your gut instinct tells you something isn’t quite right, it can be a huge benefit to your child’s development (and your peace of mind) to reach out sooner than later.
Intervention in a child’s life can be warranted for a variety of reasons. Physical development is often the first area where discrepancies might be noticed by a family member, caretaker or close friend. Perhaps you notice your child among a group of peers and his or her movement or verbal development does not seem to match that of the other children.
While some discrepancies are physical in nature, others are emotional or psychological in nature. Some parents might notice that their child is emotionally stressed more often than seems typical for a child, or perhaps your child does not interact with others as you would expect. These are great reasons to reach out to a board-certified psychiatrist for an assessment and further insight on how to best help your child navigate their bright future.
Perhaps something traumatic has happened to your child. Examples of things that have the potential to be traumatic for a child include the loss of a family member, a divorce, a move, changing schools or childcare facilities, or even something physical, like a broken leg. These are big changes in the life of a child and require some adjustment in the way children navigate and understand the world around them. While some children can navigate these changes with ease, others can get emotionally stuck and might benefit from the help of a licensed professional counselor.
When it comes to intervention, consider the concept of trajectory. The sooner the intervention occurs, the closer you still are to what might be considered “ideal.” The longer you wait, the greater the distance between where your child is, and where your child ideally would be. Early intervention is critical for children. If gaps are not addressed early, the inequalities persist, so when it comes to intervention, the sooner, the better.0
If you are considering if your child might benefit from the intervention therapy services provided by a counselor or psychologist, reach out to our licensed professional counselors, licensed psychologists and board-certified psychiatrists in North Texas today. At New Horizons Center for Healing, we are here to help.