We’ve been enduring this pandemic for a solid 8 months now. You may have been navigating through the pandemic fine at first, but for some, it is beginning to take its toll. The stress is wearing on many people, and it can be overwhelming.
Maybe you’ve begun to snap at your loved ones. Or perhaps you’ve started experiencing overwhelming waves of anxiety. Maybe you’re lonely, but can’t muster up the strength to reach out and call. Some are fearful for their health, or the health of loved ones. Others are experiencing anxiety about the ability to keep their job or business and maintain their finances. Others are struggling with loneliness from the lack of social interaction for such a long period of time. Still others are just thrown off by the disruption of their routine, with school shutdowns, unexpected quarantines and the like.
Whatever is your struggle, it can be healthy to give yourself permission to feel it. While it isn’t healthy to get stuck there, not taking the time to acknowledge the stress does no favors either. If the feelings are inhibiting your ability to function daily in a healthy and productive way, it may be time to reach out and get help.
There is no need to struggle alone. Call us today at New Horizons Center for Healing to schedule a tele-counseling appointment. Our trained and certified counseling and psychiatric team in North Dallas is prepared to walk with you through the stresses of this pandemic.